Spring of Life

File type


Sample Rate

44.1 kHz


68 BPM


4.12 MB

A pair of lower piano notes are playing one after another. As they build in intensity and upbeat burst of string instruments can be heard dominatingRead more

A pair of lower piano notes are playing one after another. As they build in intensity and upbeat burst of string instruments can be heard dominating the song before slowly being filtered out and leaving only the piano notes to end with a delicate fade away. Close

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Is this a spring awakening?

Adding happy and upbeat stock music to your next documentary is a great way to ensure your audiences aren't just enjoying themselves, but that they're in a good mood when devouring your latest documentary or commercial! Try playing with the speed and direction of the song. Sometimes, playing stock music backward can be a great way to keep things interesting without losing the joyful tones in the music!

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