Summer Sunset


File type


Sample Rate

44.1 kHz


117 BPM


21.74 MB

A relaxing three-note piano chord begins to play at an even but quick pace. Soon, light chanting is heard in the background as cans and drumsRead more

A relaxing three-note piano chord begins to play at an even but quick pace. Soon, light chanting is heard in the background as cans and drums begin to accompany the piano in different note-cunts. Soon, the chanting is as loud as the instruments, but all the sounds blend together in a harmony that ends with a final bright crash of cymbals and a single piano key. Close

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What's in a name?

Royalty-free songs and different effects come with a variety of fun names. Don't let them limit you in how you use your next stock sounds. Try chopping up other music and adding animal sounds or the sounds of crashing waves to turn a summer sunset into a seasonal experience for the ears.

What's in a name?

Royalty-free songs and different effects come with a variety of fun names. Don't let them limit you in how you use your next stock sounds. Try chopping up other music and adding animal sounds or the sounds of crashing waves to turn a summer sunset into a seasonal experience for the ears.

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